EVENT DESCRIPTION: These are two conventions that are "co-located" together at Huntington. Some of you will be working one registration area, while others work the other one. There may be a case where you switch between the two from one day to another, or ven within the same day. I'm not exactly sure how this will go, bu they have been very nice people so far.
UNIFORM: Please wear the Auto Show uniform, which is khaki pants and comfortable shoes, along with the long sleeve orange collared shirts. I will have sextra shirts with me, but let me know ASAP if you need one and which size you will need so I can make sure I have the right sizes on site.
PARKING: I was told to have everyone park in the Huntington Place underground garage on Washington Street and there would be passes available for you. If you have to pahy the first day, please do that while I work out the details with the event. As always, there is a chance you will end up having to pay to park each day, so please plan accordingly.
SCHEDULE NOTES: I did my best to get those of you whoe drive together on the same schedule, but I'm not sure I got it right in every case. Please let me know immediately if there is an entire day you cannot work that you are scheduled to work. If it is a matter of changing a shift time, let me know that as well, and I can do my best to change things around. As you can see a few of the days have shifts that are all over the place, so it's not always going to be a simple fix. Some minor changes may still occur, so please bear with me as I try to make sure all of these shifts are filled.