Ending time: The event is scheduled to end at 8 pm.
PARKING: There is free parking at the River East Parking Structure, the address is 214 Rivard Street. From there, you can shuttle to the Gratiot Lot, which is located at the intersection of Gratiot and Vernor. You are always welcome to park wherever you want, but this is the free option. THE GRATIOT LOT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR PARKING WITHOUT A PASS.
Uniform: Khaki shorts or pants, comfortable shoes, orange Premier shirts or pullovers. Uniform shirts AND SWEATSHIRTS will be available on-site. Most of you should have sweatshirts by now. Please bring them with you. I will also have the new shirts most of you ordered during the Auto Show.
Notes: Please bring food and drinks. You will have breaks, but there will most likely not be time for you to purchase food at the event and be back to your post in time. You can keep a cooler or bag next to you at your post.
Dan Hemler Contact Info: 586-873-2834 Please text if you are having any issues with getting to the venue on time. If you call, I may not hear the phone if I am on-site and setting up.