- Please make sure you confirm your start times by clicking on the "CONFIRM YOUR START TIME" button below the schedule, which is posted on this page.
- VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please make sure to arrive to the festival site at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled shift, especially if you are not part of the first shift of the day. It does take time to park and walk to the office. It is very, very difficult to get everyone out to their positions if we have some people who are not on time. We appreciate your cooperation very much.
- Our uniform consists of khaki (beige) shorts or pants, orange uniform polos, and comfortable shoes. We will have orange polo shirts for you at the event if you don't already have one. We will have long sleeve orange pullovers for sale as well, for those of you who work multiple shows per year. Please also prepare for cooler weather in the evening by bringing long sleeves that are either white or black that can go under your polo shirt. If you already own a Premier hoodie or jacket, they can go over your polo. Otherwise, your orange polo must be your top layer of clothing at all times, so please prepare accordingly.
- Free parking is available for our workers in one of two lots located near the event. Those lots are going to be staffed by Premier workers. There is a map below with the lots highlighted. Please park tin one of those lots each day.
- Please bring small coolers with water and food. You will be able to keep your cooler in your booth. While we try to get water out when we are able, it is not practical to be able to do so during the busy hours of the show, which are also usually the hottest hours.
The event is located at West Riverfront Park (bottom of the map). The free parking lots are labeled on the map as well. Please allow yourself 30 minutes to park and walk to the office trailer. I do not have an exact office trailer location, but it will be in the general region of the arrow below. Please text me at (586) 873-2834 when you arrive at the site if you are having trouble finding our office trailer.